Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Our youngsters have taken quite an interest in our garden. Each Sunday they  check what is happening in the garden and want to plant more seeds.  Last week they seeded sunflowers and red beets. Since they are so interested, we created a new mound of sandy soil for them to plant melons.  Next week they can smooth over the remaining dirt pile and plant more string beans.   Dot, our food pantry director says we can't have too many string beans.

We had a picnic after church Memorial Day Sunday so they cut and cleaned lettuce for a salad.  Soon the kale and chard will be ready to start harvesting, as well.  Tomatoes, beans, peppers are all thriving.  The cauliflower is struggling a bit thanks to a rabbit that seems to like its leaves.  We may have to invest in some low fences if they are to survive!